Food & Drink Service

Bartender bak baren på nabolagspuben Den Gamle Major
Servitør som bærer et brett med drinker


Catering for big and small groups, with food and drinks.


Dining Options

Read more about food service with us!

Read article "Dining Options"


Outdoor Venues

Places where you can enjoy good drinks in outdoor seating!

Read article "Outdoor Venues"

Food and drink service, both outdoors and indoors

We customize menus and service based on your event and how you want to combine your gathering with activities or simply a dinner. Additionally, you can sit down at our outdoor seating area and enjoy good food and drinks. Browse through our food and outdoor seating options.

Salg - Account Manager

Regina Klaar
Regina KlaarSalg - Account Manager
+47 22 42 34 20